Saturday, July 25, 2009

One Iced Tea, Hold the Cup

Christi and I went to get one of our favorite treats today – a Mexican fast food bonanza at our local Del Taco. I’ve had a long standing addiction to the Del Classic Chicken Burritos and Christi possesses a similar affliction with the chicken quesadilla. Getting to a Del Taco takes a little bit of doing as the closest one is across the border and into Post Falls, ID.

Anyway, while waiting for our food, I noticed a man walk up to the counter carrying a tray of food. He complained to the person behind the counter that his tacos were not acceptable because they had lettuce on them and, since he requested NO lettuce, he wanted replacements immediately.

Now, I completely understand the concept of getting what you ordered and wanting things done correctly but we’re talking about lettuce. We’re not talking about the wrong meat which, of course, would be pretty difficult to ignore. We’re not talking about some incorrectly applied sauce, either. We’re talking about lettuce. You can’t deal with it? Really?

It’s not even real lettuce. It’s fake fast food joint iceberg lettuce. This stuff doesn’t have flavor. Hell, it’s pretty much glorified water. Is such a bland food item really that much an assault against your overly sensitive palate? If your palate is really that sensitive, what the hell are you doing at a Del Taco to begin with?

Even if you couldn’t live with such a dastardly affront to your culinary sensibilities, you couldn’t just, you know, REMOVE the offending vegetable fragments from your food item? Don’t get me wrong, I understand wanting things the way you ordered them but still, don’t you have to pick your battles?

1 comment:

  1. I miss Del Taco like the deserts miss the rain. Seems like they would do a killing in Texas, though it's not like we're without tasty alternatives here. Taco Cabana rules for fast-food Mexican, and I haven't brought up the beer and margaritas. Well, I stand corrected actually. I just did.

    The Food Arena brings many complaints that I'm quite sure rational people would rescind before they ever got airtime. I'm always reminded of a time I was flying to England on British Airways. Mealtime comes along and common sense might suggest that if you're toward the back of the plane, the menu choices may diminish somewhat. It's like a tacit agreement: "Just get me there alive and my airborne diet will bend to accommodate the situation". The question of chicken or lasagna no longer existed. Woman behind me loses her faeces that she doesn't get to choose her cuisine at the back of a plane traveling 550mph at 35,000ft. Stands up, tries to sound a rally and incite something.

    "Are we going to take this?"
    "Yes, and so will you. STFU."

    This rant from Louis C.K. speaks to me. I hear this tone in my mind often. "Everything is amazing right now, and nobody's happy..."
